My essays and other non-fiction writings.
Femme Fatale & Fatal Fate
Long essay on Yeats' poem: Time and the Witch Vivien.
A hibriditás helyszĂnei
Essay on where hybridity can be found in the context of postcolonial thinking.
A hegemón alárendeltrei
Longish essay about the question: Who are the subordinates of hegemony?
Nyugat a kelet szemével
How does the East precieve the West?
A magyar törtĂ©nettudomány meta-narratĂvái
Thoughts on Meta-Narratives in Hungarian Historiography.
A magyar kulturális hegemón
Essay on cultural hegemony in Hungary.
A történelmi diskurzus rendje
Short essay on the organization of historical discourse.
Az Ă©n orientalizmusom
A reflection on orientalism in modern culture.